Our Pastor
Hello, my name is Samuel Nero Jr. I have been the Shepard here at Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church for fourteen years now. I am married to Pamela Nero and we have five children and thirteen grandchildren. I believe as for me and my house we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15). We are no better than anybody else. I always say we all are an ex something and we are just working out our salvation with fear and trembling. ​
You are always welcome at Shiloh. We have ministries from 3 years old to adulthood. We believe in one race the human race. We believe God has called us out of darkness into his marvelous light. We are only here to serve the Lord with all our heart, soul and mind. We are not looking to fill Shiloh but the Kingdom of God. I believe if you come to Shiloh and are not comfortable here, we will send you to wherever you want to go. We love you that much that we don't want your soul to be lost. Remember "It's not about us, It's all about Jesus!
Sam Nero Jr.